In the earlier days, the tickets to movie theaters used to be pre-printed, stamped, rubber-stamped and then signed by the ticket counter clerk before it was handed over to the customer. In fact, it was a long-drawn process that was not just inefficient and slow but also left a lot of loopholes for black market operators to take advantage. Those days are behind us now as the movie theaters are no longer the old style standalone ‘cinema halls’. Today, they are much better organized and issue movie ticket from rolls of thermal paper instantly printed on thermal paper printers.
The risks of BPA exposure must be taken seriously
While efficiency has increased many times over, a different kind of problem has now emerged. It relates to the way the thermal paper used to issue the new movie tickets are produced – mostly with BPA (Bisphenol A) coating. Research on the after effects of the exposure of BPA on humans is quite worrisome as it clearly says that such exposure over a period of time can cause serious health issues like cancer, lung and kidney diseases among others. Hence, cinema theaters should procure thermal paper from cinema tickets paper roll suppliers who offer BPA-free thermal paper.
More efforts should be made to inform the market
Thankfully, there are a few cinema tickets paper roll suppliers who only deal in BPA-free thermal paper but the market needs to know a lot more about the risks posed to humans by BPA exposure. Right now, people are in the dark about the risks and it can be seen from the totally casual manner they handle BPA-coated thermal paper. For instance, people don’t bother about washing their hands with soap and water in fast food outlets before eating their food after paying the bill.
BPA absorption on human skin is quite strong and if hands are not washed properly with soap and water after handling thermal paper receipts, BPA residues in the hand easily find their way into the stomach and other parts of the body. Rudkav International is among the few manufacturers and suppliers of BPA-free thermal paper rolls.